CALL FOR PROPOSALS : Announcement of the Call for Proposals for the AAS Annual Conference (AAS-in-ASIA) to be held July 1-4, 2019 at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand - The Japan Foundation, Bangkok

CALL FOR PROPOSALS : Announcement of the Call for Proposals for the AAS Annual Conference (AAS-in-ASIA) to be held July 1-4, 2019 at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand




Announcement of the Call for Proposals for the AAS Annual Conference (AAS-in-ASIA) to be held July 1-4, 2019 at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association open to all persons interested in Asia and the study of Asia. With approximately 8,000 members worldwide, representing all the regions and countries of Asia and all academic disciplines, the AAS is the largest organization of its kind. With over 3,000 attendees in the Annual Conference each year, 350+ panel sessions, a book exhibition, and much more, the AAS Annual Conference is the must-attend event for anyone interested in the study of Asia.


The AAS-in-Asia conferences are intended to be smaller size conferences than the typical AAS Annual Conferences. This conference gives our members and others interested in Asian Studies, who are unable to attend the Annual Conferences held in North America, the opportunity to participate in panel sessions and network with colleagues in a more intimate setting. Although smaller in size, these conferences include the same exciting features as the Annual Conference including sessions, keynote speakers, book exhibits and receptions. Each year, AAS-in-Asia conferences are a joint production between the Association for Asian Studies and a local host university and committee.


Therefore, Thammasat University in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, Kasetsart University, and Chiang Mai University, together with the Japan Foundation, is pleased to invite scholars, students, development practitioners and public intellectuals to participate and critically examine and discuss the topics of this year conference under the overarching theme “Asia in Motion: Asia on the Rise?” between July 1-4, 2019 at Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel. This event will be an opportunity for people to share their research and professional experience with a view to better understand the risks, challenges and problems that lie at the heart of “Asia’s rise,” to explore its long-term history and cultural depth, and to ensure that they can be understood rightly and coped with properly.


Asianists interested in participating at the 2019 AAS-in-Asia have to submit proposals for “Organized Panels and Roundtables Sessions” for consideration. Also, The Japan Foundation is soliciting those interested young emerging Thai and Southeast Asian scholars who have a master’s degree or higher whose research theme is Japan-related, or not have to be a Japan-specialist but from various disciplines in humanities and social sciences whose his/her research theme must be Japan-related, to submit proposals for “Organized Panels and Roundtable Sessions” at this AAS-in-ASIA conference. No Individual Papers will be included for this conference. The program committee seeks sessions that will engage panelists and audiences in the consideration of ideas, information, and interpretations that will advance knowledge about Asian regions and, by extension, will enrich teaching about Asia at all levels.


The Deadline of Proposal Submission is “Monday October 22nd, 2019” at 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)


For more information how to apply and submit those proposals for “Organized Panel and Roundtable Sessions”, please kindly visit the website of AAS as below.


The other relevant documents and detailed information of the AAS-in-ASIA Conference in Bangkok, Thailand could be checked it out as following links.