OPEN CALL for invited presenters to TPAM 2019
(TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama)
Call for Applications
The Japan Foundation, Bangkok calls for entries for participating as an invited presenter to TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama) 2019. We very much look forward to entries of emerging producers, programmers, dramaturgs etc. from Thailand.
Website : https://www.tpam.or.jp/info/en/
1. Program outline
We would like to invite representatives from Thailand who works professionally in the fields of producing contemporary performing arts to join TPAM2019. By doing that, we aim to have our presenters;
- Create a solid network among specialists in the region
- Encourage a strong understanding among specialists from each country
- Create an opportunity and/ or platform for future collaborations
- Create an opportunity for participants to be exposed to performances from various countries, and encourage deeper understanding of the art.
2. Applicant qualifications
The program will be divided in to categories.
①. Emerging presenters |
Target applicants |
- Young emerging presenters who work professionally in the performing arts field. (Can be affiliated in certain theatres, festivals, or can also be working as a freelance producer, programmer, dramaturg, etc.)
*This category is not conceived for established professionals who are already in the top position of their organization, but more for young professionals who will use this opportunity to build up their career path.
- Age between late 20s to early 40s.
- We will also consider young emerging journalists and/or critics in the performing arts field who will contribute to increasing the recognition of TPAM and contemporary performing arts to a wider public.
Upon invitation, the Japan Foundation Asia Center will provide;
- Round trip international air ticket, accommodation, travel insurance
- Per diem
- TPAM 2019 registration fee (Not including performance tickets apart from the ones included in the TPAM registration pack)
②. Senior presenters |
Target applicants |
- Professionals in the top position of their organizations, festival directors, artistic directors, veteran theatre practitioners, etc.
Upon invitation, the Japan Foundation Asia Center will contribute to; |
- Partial international air ticket costs OR maximum 9 nights of accommodation
- Travel insurance
- TPAM 2019 registration fee (Not including performance tickets apart from the ones included in the TPAM registration pack)
3. Contents of the Program
- Program duration: 9 – 18 February 2019
- The invited presenters will be required to participate in TPAM 2019 in response to the 4 main objectives. We may ask certain invitees to join specific discussions and/or presentations according to the programming of TPAM 2019.
4. How to apply
Please submit your CV or biography which explains us your personal details, your background, and your work to;
Email address : siree@ba.jpf.go.jp
*Please set the email subject as [Application for TPAM2019 invited presenter / your name].
– DEADLINE: Thursday, 27 September 2018
Participants will be selected by the Japan Foundation Asia Center in Tokyo. Successful applicants will be informed by email by early November, 2018
■For any inquiries, please contact
Ms. Siree Riewpaiboon
The Japan Foundation, Bangkok
02-260-8560-4 (10.00 – 17.00 hrs)