
Library Announcement of Closed Day

Library will be closed from Oct. 22-23, 2021.

Easing of Restrictions: The Japan Foundation, Bangkok Library’s service

Library services will be back to normal from Friday, October 1st, 2021. However, some COVID-19

Notice – Temporary closure of the Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library due to the spread of COVID-19

Thank you for using The Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library. In order to cope with the

Easing of Restrictions: The Japan Foundation, Bangkok Library’s service

Library services will be back to normal from Tuesday June 22nd. However, some COVID-19 prevention

Notice – Temporary closure of the Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library due to the spread of COVID-19

Thank you for using The Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library. According to the announcement from Bangkok

Notice – Temporary closure of the Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library due to the spread of COVID-19

Thank you for using The Japan Foundation Bangkok’s Library. According to the announcement from Bangkok

Library Announcement of Closed Day

Please kindly be informed that The Japan Foundation, Bangkok library will be closed as follow:-