JFBKK Small Grant Program

The Japan Foundation, Bangkok provides  grant support for the following program.

Cultural or academic activities concerning Japan

Example: To arrange art exhibition, workshop, seminar or webinar either on-site or online in collaboration with Japanese specialist to promote deeper understanding of Japanese arts and culture, intellectual exchange related to Japanese studies.

Cost coverage by JFBKK is up to 50,000 THB

We accept the applications with the following deadlines:

1st deadline: February 10 (for projects starting from April 15 onwards)
2nd deadline: May 10 (for projects starting from July 1 onwards)
3rd deadline: August 10 (for projects starting from October 1 onwards)
4th deadline: November 10 (for projects starting from January 1 onwards)

Download Proposal form:

1. JFBKK Small grant guidelines version 202204 (.pdf)
2. Application Form_Version 202204 (.doc)
3. Sample of Budget Sheet Version 201709 (.pdf)

Please submit your proposal by email to  smallgrant-JFBKK@jpf.go.jp
and our staff will contact you for further details after submission.