Author Archives: Nuttavut Lertvananont
JF Theater for October 2021 : Happy Return
All films are subtitled in Thai unless specified otherwise.Free admission at the JF Auditorium of
Using of entrance gate barrier and visitor management system announcement
Serm-Mitr Tower will use entrance gate barrier and visitor management system from November, 4th 2021 (Thu.)
JF『いろどり 生活の日本語』実践シェア会(オンライン)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Thai and Japanese.
Easing of Restrictions: The Japan Foundation, Bangkok Library’s service
Library services will be back to normal from Friday, October 1st, 2021. However, some COVID-19
Sorry, this entry is only available in Thai and Japanese.
Learning Through Play: Practices and Principles
Learning Through Play: Practices and Principles Special Talk feature Takeshi Matsumoto, dance performer and choreographer