J-Talk: Diggin’ Culture #13 サムライとは何か―その歴史と思想
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第3回 いろどり 生活の日本語 勉強会(オンライン)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Thai and Japanese.
日本語ブラッシュアップ オンライン研修
Sorry, this entry is only available in Thai and Japanese.
Traversing across Isan and Okinawan Textiles
Special Talks on Thai and Japanese Textiles (Online Broadcast)
2021年度JFBKK主催セミナー 「通訳」の(オンライン)授業をどうする?」
Available in Thai and Japanese only.
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test: 2nd Test Year 2021
*Available in Thai and Japanese only
Notice: JF Theatre will remain closed until 27th July 2021
JF Theatre will remain closed until 27th July 2021
第2回 いろどり 生活の日本語 勉強会(オンライン)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Thai and Japanese.
Easing of Restrictions: The Japan Foundation, Bangkok Library’s service
Library services will be back to normal from Tuesday June 22nd. However, some COVID-19 prevention